
Concetta Chimienti

Front-End Developer

Concetta Chimienti

I am a Front-End Developer

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About me

My name is Concetta Chimienti.

I am a solution-driven web developer with a background in digital marketing. As a Full-Stack Software Development Teaching Assistant, I enjoy sharing my technical knowledge, and teaching students how to think critically and solve problems.



Reel Reviews

Reel Reviews

Search any movie, generate a random movie to watch, discover what's trending, and create your own custom watchlist. Made with React and the IMDb API. This was my final team project at my bootcamp. I was responsible for the homepage, random movie, and movie search portions.

G2G Scope

An art gallery website made to showcase 150+ of G2G's pieces on display at SCOPE Art Show. SCOPE Art Show is a critically acclaimed contemporary art fair held annually in Miami Beach during Art Basel attracting 60,000+ visitors. Created using Wordpress.

Password Generator

Password Generator

Generates a random password based on user specifications. Once password is generated, you may copy it to your clipboard. Made using React, SASS, and Toastify.

Trivia Quiz

Trivia Quiz

Select the number of questions you want, as well as the category and difficulty of the questions. Made using React and the Open Trivia Database API.